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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • ​Where can I find a current copy of the Covenants, By-Laws, and other community guidelines?

            Please visit the Information Page to obtain the current guidelines. 

  • What is the annual assessment fee?

            The annual assessment fee is a flexible assessment, voted on at annual meetings. 
            The assessment fee is currently $127 per lot.

  • When are assessment fees due? 

            Annual assessment fees are due June 30 of each year. 
            Invoices are mailed to all residents in April of each year.
            Payments can be mailed or sent through Zelle to 

  • What are the assessment fees used for?

            Annual assessment dues are used to landscape and maintain the three community entrances and
            common areas which include bridges, docks, lake, gazebos, etc. In addition, the fees go toward                        correspondence and postage, insurance, website maintenance, and other miscellaneous items.

  • When is the annual meeting held?

            The annual meeting is held every year during the first or second week in June. 
            Notice of the meeting will be provided at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.  

  • How do I stay informed about news, meetings, and other neighborhood events? 

​            To stay informed, please provide St. Regents Lake HOA with your current email address. 
            Important community news will be emailed to all residents with a current email address on file.
            Additionally, the community website will stay updated with the latest community information.

  • Do I have to provide my email address? ​

             Email is an efficient form of communication. It is important that you provide your email address 
             as sending information via mail is time consuming and incurs costs to the association.
             Resident email addresses are kept confidential and emails are sent using blind carbon copy (bcc). 

  • What are the architectural guidelines of the community (e.g. fences, sheds, mailboxes, etc.)?

            The Architectural Guidelines can be found on the Information Page. 
            Prior to the start of any exterior construction, residents must provide St. Regents Lake HOA 
            with a completed Architectural Request Form for approval. 

Contact Us
St. Regents Lake
P.O. Box 4004
Midlothian, VA 23112